Your Highest Self Knows
There's an infinite part of you that knows how to heal all of your wounds and reach all of your dreams. If you've been feeling stuck, blocked, or like something is missing... it might be time to tune in and listen.
Sometimes we're so caught up in our day-to-day that it makes it challenging to hear this inner-compass. Our intuition can get drowned out by the ego (ex: fears, doubts, and worries) which is much louder than our intuition.
This is when having outside support to reconnect to your highest self and your guides, angels, or ancestors can be extremely helpful.
Even if you're well-practiced in connecting with your intuition or heavenly support team, it can be very helpful to have this unbiased support.

The Process
​Intuitive Readings are provided individually as a sacred space for you to reconnect with who you came here to be (and the incredible things you came here to do).
We'll begin by creating a sacred container with a short meditation to call in your guides, loved ones, angels, and higher power. You'll have an opportunity to share your intention for the session.
I'll pull three oracle cards for you to receive initial messages from your guides, loved ones, angels, and higher power.
They'll be invited to share their guidance with me as a channel for you to hear their wisdom.
You'll receive any messages that come through from your divine support squad, as well as the practical wisdom I have from nearly over a decade of working with clients.
​You'll receive coaching to clear up any residual blocks that might be getting in your way of taking your next steps. ​​
* Sessions recordings are available should you like to listen again later.​​

Kristeen Ann
My intuitive awareness began in childhood when I found myself "knowing" things before they happened (outside of things that a child would be naturally concerned about). The earliest memory I have of such occurrence was around 3 years of age. This was surprising for my loved ones and eventually my peers, which led me to feeling "different" and at times, "weird."
My parents eventually enrolled me in private Christian school, where these types of premonitions and awareness's were frowned upon. Despite this, my capacity to "see" angels, auras, and future realities blossomed. It was confusing to feel shamed because I didn't ask for these gifts, they have just a part of who I am.
Regardless, my friends and family would come to me seeking guidance and advice. In the process, I realized that I could intentionally tune into this sacred place (known as the Akasha) and accessed guides, angels, and loved ones that had passed away.
As an adult, I sought out mentors and teachers that could help me understand what my experience. I worked on releasing fear, shame, and judgments from having to keep my gifts a "secret" in school and in religious environments (that I was often in).
In my late 20's, I became a Clinical Hypnotherapy and Transformational Life Coach, and quietly accessed my intuitive gifts, without directly advertising them. I had to work through barriers to receiving money for "being myself" and helping others on their spiritual journeys.
I shared this story not as a victim, but to say that it's been a LONG, courageous journey of vulnerability to offer these services publicly. If you or someone you know is working through a similar paradigm, or perhaps you have a young one in your life who is emerging with gifts, I'm so here to support you.