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Align Your Business with
Your Soul's
Highest Calling

Tap into the part of you that knows exactly what you came here to do...

Image by Aperture Vintage
Image by Aperture Vintage

What if


is your sign?

To listen to your heart.

To transform your business.

To expand your impact and income.

To trust yourself and play big.

Image by Aperture Vintage
Image by Viva Luna Studios

Answering the Call

The call of your soul's purpose is whispering to you.

Regardless of where you're at on your journey, aligning your life (and your business) with this inner-compass isn't just a feel-good exercise. 

It's the key to unlocking a fulfilling life and an expansive business .

Fuel Your Fire

When your business aligns with your soul's highest calling, it becomes more than just work. You wake up energized, motivated by a sense of purpose that transcends the daily grind. You have a deeper drive that leads to better decision-making, innovation, and ultimately, a more sustainable business.

Attract the Right Tribe

When your business embodies your soul's purpose, it acts like a beacon, attracting clients, partners, and employees who share your vision. You become a magnet for those who resonate with your mission, creating a powerful community around your brand.

Build Trust

The world is craving transparency and authenticity. Aligning with your soul's highest calling allows you to connect with who you're here to serve on a deeper level. You'll build more trust and loyalty, leading to stronger relationships and lasting, long-term success.

Expand Your Impact

Every business needs to be financially viable. When your soul's highest calling is at the core, profit becomes a tool to create a positive impact. You can contribute to causes you care about, support your community, and inspire others to do the same. You embody a sense of fulfillment that goes beyond just the bottom line.

Image by Aperture Vintage

Intuitive Business Coaching

I help multi-passionate change-makers align their businesses with their soul's highest calling.

"Kristeen possesses a rare blend of creativity, insight, and professionalism that brought my vision to life in ways I hadn't imagined. Her ability to listen deeply, understand my mission, and then articulate it with such clarity and elegance was nothing short of magical. Beyond her undeniable talent as a content creator, Kristeen's dedication, patience, and genuine care for the websites' success made the entire process a joy. I'm beyond grateful for her contribution and highly recommend her services to anyone!"

Marcie McGee

Founder, Marcie McGee Coaching

Image by Aperture Vintage
Image by Aperture Vintage
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